What is Normal Eye Lens and what is Cataract??
Normal crystalline lens is a transparent structure in the eye that is suspended immediately behind the iris that brings rays of light to a focus on the retina. Think of it like the lens of a camera which focus the light on the camera film (Retina). Normally it is jelly-soft and clear like a diamond due to specific arrangement of soluble proteins and water.
Over a period of time with ageing, proteins start clumping together and lens becomes cloudy and hard. This is known as CATARACT which leads to progressively decreasing vision impacting the patient’s lifestyle adversely.
What Causes a Cataract?
Usually most of the cataracts occurs over the age of 40 due to ageing, other causes include Injury to eye (Traumatic Cataract), Side effects of medications like Steroids, Radiation injury, Inflammation of the eye and Inherited conditions which lead to cataract in very early age known as PEDIATRIC CATARACT !
MYTH – Cataract is a disease of old age only! Pediatric Cataracts are quite common, could be due to variety of causes, can lead to severe eye damage and has to be treated as an emergency! Treatment of pediatric cataract is quite different and difficult and should be done by Specialist in Pediatric Ophthalmology only! To know more please visit …..
Symptoms Which you just cannot ignore!
Symptoms depends on the type of cataract and not all cataracts are alike. But the most common symptoms include blurring of vision, sensitivity to bright light, altered contrast sensitivity, dull appearance of colors, change in glass prescription,etc.
Fun Fact:
People that develop cataract in the center of their lens often notice a temporary improvement in near vision called second sight, which eventually fades out as the cataract progresses.
Cataract be PREVENTED! Some people believe that cataract formation can be prevented or delayed by using some ayurvedic/herbal drops or by dietary modifications. Well there’s no harm in practicing a healthy lifestyle that includes a diet rich in nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids along with some exercise and ample sleep!!
Only definitive treatment is SURGERY by which your nature lens in removed with different techniques and is replaced by an artificial intraocular implant (IOL)! Often cataract surgery is labelled as “Routine Surgery” or “Simple Technology Driven Surgery” which is not correct.
We believe that Cataract surgery is a golden opportunity to comprehensively treat all related eye problems and to plan the BEST vision a patient can have for the REST of the life!! For this, we tend to individually evaluate the patient and classify type of cataract along with other correctable visual issues like Associated Refractive Errors, Progressive loss of near vision (Presbyopia), Enhancing Previous Cataract Surgery (Residual glasses, Glares, Haloes, IOL exchange).
Based on extensive individualized planning as well as patients lifestyle requirements, we then let patients choose among different cutting edge technologies and intraocular implants. We thus believe in totally CUSTOMIZED CATARACT SURGERY rather than “BULK” and “Routine” surgeries.
No waiting in packed rooms or being rushed around on a conveyer belt of surgery with unknown people handling you. One patient at a time with our full attention, focused on you!!
What is the right time for cataract surgery?
Well, it depends on your daily lifestyle requirements, type of the cataract, any other associated ocular or systemic conditions and the opinion of your ophthalmologist.
With present day patient friendly and comfortable day care surgeries, we recommend you to consider surgery after early onset of cataract rather than waiting for it become “Mature” and “Hard” which makes the surgery technically challenging with substandard results.
We feel there is no need to suffer for years with cloudy vision and night driving problems along with dependence on glasses when you can get the vision redesigned in just few minutes of painless procedure!
About Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery can by simplified by dividing into two stages: A. Natural Lens Removal B. Placement of Intraocular Implant (IOL).
Natural Lens Removal :
There are various techniques to remove cataractous lens. These include Extracapsular Cataract Extraction with Sutures, Small Incision Cataract Surgery and Phacoemulsification technique.
Among these techniques, Phacoemulsification is the most modern and advance technology for cataract surgery. Intraocular structures are accessed through a very small incision (about 2.4 mm), small instrument known as phaco probe is then introduced inside the eye and the cataractous lens is divided into small pieces after which they are aspirated with the same phaco probe.
This technique known as Micro Incision Cataract Surgery (MICS) with phacoemulsification technique is the safest and most predictable technique. We at Aksha Eye hospital always use MICS for cataract extraction no matter how complicated or hard the cataract surgery is. This gives us the confidence to give predictable and precise results.
Advantages Of Topical Micro Incision Phacoemulsification Surgery :
- Sutureless (No Stitches)
- No injection but only local anesthetic drops are used
- No patch or bandage post surgery
- Faster Recovery and return to normal activities within a day
- Less dependence on glasses post surgery
Placement of Intraocular Implant (IOL)
Once the cataract is removed, an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted in the place of natural lens to direct light rays straight on to retina for a clear vision. With the great advancement in the field of IOL in the past few decades, we now have a spectrum of choices for IOL with each having different principles, features, advantages and disadvantages.
We at Aksha Eye hospital have almost 30 different IOL options to cover the distinct needs of each and every individual. We do thorough examination followed by which we take measurements of the eye, sit back with patients and listen to their daily vision needs, their preferences for spectacle independence for distance, intermediate and near vision. Based on that we involve the patient in decision making process and then suggest them the BEST implant which suits their eye.
We totally believe in CUSTOMISED SURGERY FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL EYE ! We firmly acknowledge that NO IOL IS BEST FOR ALL !
For simplicity, We can divide the Lens Implants (IOL) into following types :
- Monofocal IOLs
- Toric IOLs
- Trifocal IOLs
- Multifocal IOLs
- Progressive IOLs
- PiggyBack IOLs
- Sutureless Sulcus IOLs